looks as if children might have painted it.

10 comments so far...

bere August 15, 2007, 12:42 AM
ha ha yep
oh god i was such a snoopy fan!
i am still :)
donna August 15, 2007, 03:34 AM
It's the original Snoop Dog!
Great find, Frau!
Oh, b--I know what you mean. I love Snoopy, too!
FrauFeli August 15, 2007, 05:22 PM
Hi, Bere! Hi, Donna!
I was. Did you use to draw Snoopys all over your exercise books and all the stuff? Hehe. But now I like Calvin&Hobbes better.
Actually, Donna, you've got a great icon :) I'm definitly wild about books
bere August 16, 2007, 01:14 AM
yes! snoopy is a classic
but calvin & hobbes are great!! i agree :) i wish i had my own imaginary tiger, i am working on it, good taste frau feli, very good: Proust and Calvin & Hobbes, i would say, you are in the right track in life heh heh
donna August 16, 2007, 04:15 AM
Hi, FrauFeli! Oh lord yes! I used to draw Snoopy, too. This one looks a lot better than mine ever did. Ha! Oh my gosh--and Calvin & Hobbes. YES!!! I love Calvin and Hobbes. I went into a state of mourning when Bill Watterson stop doing that strip.

Thanks, Frau on my icon! :) You love books, too! (And, ms. b definitely is one of us book lovers) This is a snapshot I took of a FAVORITE children's picture book of mine. It's fairly recent--within the last 3 or 4 years. The author was inspired by Dr. Seuss and it's about a bookmobile librarian who mistakenly ends up at the zoo. Before you know it, the animals have learned to read and their reading has inspired them to write. It is whimsical, humorous, done entirely in clever verse, and is a wonderful testament to the magical power of reading!
Bet you didn't expect a book review would emerge as a result of your comment, huh? :)

FrauFeli August 16, 2007, 08:21 PM
Hihi, thanks, Bere! Not to forget some chocolate cookies and a good cup of tea- by the way, I checked your blog, and I like it! Very nice and beautiful poetry..

@Donna: Yeah, wow, that is really cool, here have three addicts met, right? :)) I LOVE children books, especially the big books for the small ones: "Bilderbücher" as you would say in german. One of my favourites as a child was an american one, a bit hippie-like. "The Maggie B." from Irene Haas.
Woah! Found it rightaway, amazing! I grew up near to the sea and so I loved everything with ships and stuff. This is such a lovely told story and it's all so cosy and warm and appelling. You feel really at home on this tiny ship in the book :) So, here's the next book review.Yours sounds great! Will keep it in mind, for the case that I see it somewhere..

bere August 20, 2007, 08:29 PM
hola Frau Feli
i am happy/embarrassed since my blog is a mess!
but really glad you visited it
hey! i have a post that you might like to see, it's silly but it is a list of the books i have read lately! :) just out of curiosity in case you want to see!, maybe you've read some of these and we can exchange opinions

and miss d!! i love your comment, now i want to see that book!!! aren't you glad also we found another 'partner in crime' here with Frau Feli :))) hope NYC is treating nicely

bere August 20, 2007, 09:01 PM
oh and another book i think you both ladies would like...
Three Bags Full, it is by Leoni Swann, a german writer, it was lovely, witty, and just sheeply nice...
FrauFeli August 21, 2007, 10:47 AM
Hey, Bere! This is not silly at all! A friend of mine has a list where she adds every book she read. I think it's just interesting to keep track. I forget so often names of authors, it's such a pity. I've heard much of Swann, my mother and sister love her crime stories. Need to read her sometimes, although I don't read that much crime novels anymore(they sound very funny!). In my teenage years the three of us where really addicted to crime novels and exchanged a lot.
bere August 21, 2007, 08:46 PM
yes frau feli i understand you with the crime novels, as miss d knows, i used to be an avid Sherlock Holmes reader when i was a teenager, but lately i don't care much for mysteries nor thrillers, yet... Swann's one is great! specially since the narrators are the sheep themselves! it is the kind of book that keeps you involved and the remarks are witty and sooo funny! at the same time is a very light read (not very Proust heh heh) so you can read it in just a couple of days, it leaves you with a good after taste for sure
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