18 comments so far...

whoo January 07, 2008, 04:33 AM
montanas can make anyone look better i say.
heavy January 07, 2008, 06:10 AM
It looks like American Accents and Rusto to me.
no January 08, 2008, 04:55 AM
not really
whoo January 08, 2008, 05:22 AM
then thatll be some dam good rustos dont you think?
who January 08, 2008, 09:50 PM
um... rustos and american accents ARE damn good, don't you paint?
whoo January 09, 2008, 06:09 AM
haha yeah not with american accents though, krylon,mtns,beltons buddy
i seriously January 09, 2008, 10:41 PM
doubt that this is american accents and rustos.
ive have used them and krylon and montanas and i doubt a krylon would even come out this clean. this is because all the normal brands such as krylon, rusto etc.. come out almost as a liquid so they have a tendency to drip. but montanas are made with powder in the paint so the blend well and come out clean and this Siya piece is a good example of that.

maybe you all should paint more

Skarzsays January 09, 2008, 11:46 PM
I seriously doubt that you know what your talking about. Paint is paint. It doesn't matter what you use. Its the person controlling the can. And by the way... This is a perfect example of a piece being done w/ American Accents and Rusto.
hmm January 10, 2008, 10:55 AM
im not sure if u quite know what ur talkin bout eeither skarz
cuz if i do recall u use montana
its really not all about can-control.
it is partially about the brand of paint and how fast it comes out and what different types of tips work on different cans
so im not quite sure if it is a good example of a piece done with rusto. so im gonna have to agree with the guy before you buddy
whoo January 10, 2008, 10:52 PM
thank fuckin god for people like hmm and i seriously... although i assume someone will have something else to put in after this and itll start all over again, liek fuckin preschool sometimes fuck, and yes what hmm said and i seriously said, mtn is nuhting like rustos, it covers anythingg and will make a any fuckin toy look good, i use krylon and some of the colors come out so fuckin watery its ridiculous. better off paying the 6 bucks a can for good shit.
hmm January 11, 2008, 05:12 AM
ya man, damn finally someone understands. ya of course you cant totally suck but montana helps. and i use krylon all the time it does sometimes suck. especially if u use fat caps it drips. and like american accents and rustos have wierd caps so u cant swap them without them cloggin.
so i truly doubt this piece is rusto. it blends nice like montana or belton.
abc123 January 12, 2008, 05:45 AM
he just said it was american accents and you guys still say it was montanas. you're dumb.

...and using expensive paint doesn't make your letters look less toy.

and like american accents and rustos have wierd caps so u cant swap them without them cloggin.

you obviously dont paint with them.

hmm January 12, 2008, 08:51 AM
wow and u are?
I've been paintin with them probably before you were born.
so dont talk. and Siya never said it was rusto. jus some dumb toys keep thinkin it is but what do they know.
and they do clog with special caps.
the fill is deff montana just look, it covers extremely well and comes out clean and almost powdery.
Damn the game these days isnt what it used to be.
toys actually knew there place.
but these days toys think they know everything,
even if they cant do shit.
so unless Siya actually says it was rusto,
shut the hell up
"whoo" January 12, 2008, 09:20 AM
haha see i told oyu there would be the gang of other posts after me. typical dubside argument..must be a weekly thing now days ehh? haha joke. If american acts OR RUSTOS came out this good then dont you think there would be LESS usage of montanas and beltons bud?!? i do. why pay 9$ a can when you can just rack the rustos at the sae quality as mtn or belton.

And yes, in 2007 either rusto or american made (not sure) madethe switch with caps.. its a stok white cap that appears to look liek a level 1 cap and noo its not changable so either chuck the can or learn how to use it. Dam.

random muchachi January 12, 2008, 09:44 AM
hey wanna here a joke

yeahhh i agree with hmm

siva January 21, 2008, 02:40 AM
AA(sweet pea,french lilac,coral?)all these cans dont utilize the male valve system.. know your paint.. dont waste your money on just montana unless your some lil rich kid who probbly wont stay in the game long anyway...
american accents is the dope shit... used to have more colors but now most of the cans are crap...
aspicker January 28, 2008, 06:36 PM
looks like skar did this
lol February 03, 2008, 03:49 AM
yea take it from skarz, he depends on montanas. ill admit he has style. but not originality. skarz come talk to me after youve used krylons and dollar cans.


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