A demonstration at the Brussels Museum of Cocoa and Chocolate...
Must see &... do not try this at home! :P ;)

3 comments so far...

Sonja May 31, 2020, 10:36 AM
LOL. Reminds me of the chocolate fudge making at some US malls where the choclatier make a big show of the transparent production. It seemed a popular gag in the 90s, no idea if they still do it. Anyway it looked strenghous all the whiping and pouring in shiny metal basins and then on marble tables, spreading and folding to cool... but the smell was usually in the whole building and even in some items bought in adjectent shops near the door, sure good to promote their expensive products massively.
Martina Weber plus May 31, 2020, 06:07 PM
wow, great catch!!
Gergana Vasileva plus June 02, 2020, 08:11 PM
I really enjoyed a lot this Museum in Brussels. The demonstration was on "How to prepare pralines?". That guy was incredibly skilful, besides... a very sweet person, joking with the public. The Museum itself is a great place to learn more about the history of cocoa, its cultivation, the beginning of the chocolate industry (and to try incredible varieties of chocolates ;))

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