Certification process is one of the singlemost important step you can make in career development. Many professionals earn certifications in their fields. In business and other industries, professional certification is a proof that you are qualified in a particular area. Your knowledge is usually tested through a formal procedure (such as an exam) and then affirmed by an authorized person, group, or association. Upgrading your education can lead to sharpening your skills, learning new specializations, getting new certifications, and coming back to work a stronger, more versatile employee. Thousands of associations use professional certifications to recognize individuals for being dedicated to their chosen career and to uphold a certain set of standards
Check out the top reasons people choose to enroll in career training programs:
1.Staying up to date:
In today’s world, the degree that you earned 10 years ago doesn’t always hold the same validity as it did when you first received it. By gaining a certificate, it shows employers that you are up to date on the most recent practices that are required for your job.
2. Become More Marketable
In addition to a salary boost, skills training could be a bargaining chip in the promotion process Hiring managers offer higher entry-level salaries and more promotion opportunities to those with higher skill levels. Employers may even help fund your training costs if you intend to stay with the company.
3. Advance Your Career
Management and supervisory positions often require specialized skills. Developing the essential soft skills in communication, problem solving and critical thinking will help you move up the career ladder. Additionally, specialized positions could require specific skills training or the attainment of an industry accepted certification.
4. Keep Your Skills Sharp
Whether you're in a skilled industry making the transition to high tech devices, or in a healthcare or teaching profession requiring constant re-certification, it's important to stay current in your education. Continuing Education is essential in order to keep abreast of new technologies.
5. Build your self-esteem
Association certification programs create a standard for a particular profession, complete with performance standards, ethics, and career paths. You'll see yourself as a certified professional who can control his or her own professional destiny and find a deep sense of personal satisfaction.
6. Get Training to Change Careers
Even if you already have an established career, changing fields does not always mean a fresh start. Training can add specializations and qualifications you can use to change directions. Many students use a training program as a way to learn more about potential new fields before committing to a career.
7.Become a leader of your profession
Receiving a certification shows your peers, supervisors, and, in turn, the general public how committed you are to your chosen career, along with how well you perform to set standards. Certification sets you apart as a leader in your field.

8.Enhances the profession's image
Certification programs seek to grow, promote, and develop certified professionals who can stand "out in front" as examples of excellence in the industry or field.

9.Certification reflects achievement
Earning a certification gives you a sense of achievement and accomplishment. A certified professional has displayed higher level of competency in their field or industry and fulfilled set standards and requirements.
10.Get a Certification, Earn a Higher Salary
Research proves that a person with a certain certification in a specific field has higher earning potential then a similar experienced person without any certification. So if you wish to increase to earnings, getting a training or certification can be the right thing in your career. @ http://www.iticsystem.com/

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