Photo information

Taken on February 05, 2007 at 11:32 PM
Uploaded on February 19, 2007 at 12:21 AM
Viewed 80 times
-390 points in ranking
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You may not use it for any purpose which requires the author's permission, under copyright law. Among other uses, you may not make copies or reproductions of the photo, create derivative works, or display it publicly, without the author's permission
Camera make Canon
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
Exposure 1/60
Aperture f/2.8
Date/Time 2007:02:05 23:32:06
Aperture Value 2.8
Max Aperture Value f/2.8
Flash Auto, Fired
Focal length 7.4mm
Metering mode Evaluative
Digital Zoom Ratio 1
Flash On
Lens 7.4 - 22.2mm
Circle Of Confusion 0.006 mm
Focal length 7.4mm (35mm equivalent: 35.3mm)
Hyperfocal Distance 3.10 m
Lens 7.4 - 22.2mm (35mm equivalent: 35.3 - 105.8mm)

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